
Simple, modular, reactive

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple, modular, reactive.


The App class manages your app’s shared behaviors. It is effectively the root object of your app, and it works to manage some interactions with the system. Use your App class to handle the following tasks:

  • Load resources and modules of your application. (Sync/Async depending on your needs)
  • Responding to signals, such as loading process, completion of loading, and others.


  1. Download AppDelegate, unzip and copy files to your Godot project's res://addons/app_delegate directory.

  2. You must add the app.gd script to the AutoLoad (as in the example below). To do this, select Project > Project Settings and switch to the AutoLoad tab.

  3. Create a package.gd file in the res:// directory following the example below and specify the path to the folder with your modules.

extends Reference

func package():
	return {
		"name": "APP_NAME",
		"version": "0.0.0",
		"modules_path": "res://modules/"

Samples and Example Usage

Creating a module

  1. In the modules folder, create a folder with the name of the new module.

    For example, let's create the "menu" module.

    • assets folder is used to store the various resources (image/audio, etc.) related to this module.
    • menu.tscn is the scene that has CanvasLayer as its root node.
    • menu.gd is a script linked to the root node.
    • package.gd is a script that contains important information/constants related to this module.
  2. Extend menu.gd from the OKModule class.

  3. Fill package.gd with the default initial information.


Loading modules

  • Loading and caching modules and all their resources
# Asynchronous loading of 1 module

# Synchronous loading of 1 module
App.load_module("menu", false)

# Asynchronous loading of several modules
App.load_modules(["menu", "player", "game"])

# Synchronous loading of several modules
App.load_modules(["menu", "player", "game"], false)
  • Loading with pending completion
# On the example of async loading 1 module
yield(App.load_module("menu"), "completed")
print("The menu module is loaded and ready.")

# On the example of async loading with several modules
yield(App.load_modules(["menu", "player", "game"]), "completed")
print("All modules is loaded and ready.")
  • Loading with pending completion and a returned module
# On the example of async loading 1 module
var menu = yield(App.load_module("menu"), "completed")

# On the example of async loading with several modules
var modules = yield(App.load_modules(["menu", "player", "game"]), "completed")
  • Waiting for module loaded anywhere in your code

    • You can also use "await_module" instead of "load_module" and "await_modules" instead of "load_modules" to wait for loading to complete anywhere in your code. (For example, if at some point in your code, you need some module to be already loaded)
    • If the module is already loaded at that point, your code will continue unchanged. And if the module doesn't exist and isn't currently in the loading process, it will start loading:
yield(App.await_module("menu"), "completed")
print("The menu module is loaded and ready.")

yield(App.await_modules(["menu", "player", "game"]), "completed")
print("All modules is loaded and ready.")

var module = yield(App.await_module("menu"), "completed")
print("The menu module is loaded and ready.")

var modules = yield(App.await_modules(["menu", "player", "game"]), "completed")
print("All modules is loaded and ready.")

Unloading modules

If you try to unload a module when it is in the process of loading, the loading will be canceled and the module will be completely unloaded.

  • Unloading modules and all their resources
# Unloading of 1 module

# Unloading of several modules
App.unload_modules(["menu", "player", "game"])
  • Unloading with pending completion
# Unloading of 1 module
yield(App.unload_module("menu"), "completed")
print("The menu module is completely unloaded.")

# Unloading of several modules
yield(App.unload_modules(["menu", "player", "game"]), "completed")
print("All modules is completely unloaded.")

Tracking the progress of loading

func _ready():
	App.connect("load_progress", self, "_on_load_progress")

func _on_load_progress(value: float):
	print(value) # from 0.0 to 100.0

Accessing modules and resources

  • Check if the module is in the process of loading
if App.is_module_loading("menu"):
	print("Module in the process of loading")
  • Check if the module is loaded
if App.has_module("menu"):
	print("The module is loaded")
  • Calling methods (Module must be loaded)
# Inside the module

# From outside the module
  • Getting data from package.gd (Module must be loaded)
# Inside the module
var version = package("version")

# From outside the module
var version = App.module("menu").package("version")
  • Getting module resources (Module must be loaded)
# Inside the module
var img1: StreamTexture = asset("some_image.png") # assets/ folder
var img2: StreamTexture = asset("main/some_image.png") # assets/main/ folder
var array: Array = assets("main") # all resources in assets/main/ folder

# From outside the module
var img1: StreamTexture = App.module("menu").asset("some_image.png") # assets/ folder
var img2: StreamTexture = App.module("menu").asset("main/some_image.png") # assets/main/ folder
var array: Array = App.module("menu").assets("main") # all resources in assets/main/ folder

Created by Oleksandr Kurtsev (Copyright © 2021) LICENSE