
A full stack Node.js and React shopping cart app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full stack Node.js and React shopping cart app

Live Demo

Try the application live at https://wicked-sales.kurtyazdizadeh.com

Technologies Used:

  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Webpack 4
  • Bootstrap 4
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • AWS EC2


  • User can view all products
  • User can view product details for each product
  • User can add products to their shopping cart
  • User can view their shopping cart
  • User can checkout and place an order




System Requirements

  • Node.js 10 or higher
  • NPM 6 or higher
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/kurtyazdizadeh/wicked-sales-js.git
    cd wicked-sales
  2. Install all dependencies with NPM.

    npm install
  3. Import the example database to the PostgreSQL database.

    npm run db:import
  4. Start the project on http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

    npm run dev