
A backup script for my system that will turn on and off the remote machine if necessary.

Primary LanguageShell

=                     Remote backup script                      =
=                  Created by Spencer Julian                    =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= This script is released under the GPL v3 license. In a        =
= nutshell, you are free to copy, modify, and redistribute this =
= script so long as you give credit to the original author (me) =
= and release it under an identical or similar license.         =
=                                                               =
= If you have questions feel free to contact me on my github    =
= http://github.com/kuruoujou or via email at                   =
= helloThere@spencerjulian.com.                                 =

This is a nice little script I wrote up to easily backup all of 
my files in my home directory on my laptop to my media center pc.
It uses rsync to do the actual copy, but has a few additional
perks over a straight rsync command - this script will turn the
remote PC on if it's not already on and shut it down when it's
done copying. Note I don't use the most secure methods to do 
this, though.

The local machine will need wakeonlan, rsync, and ssh installed.
The remote machine will need to have an ssh server running and
have WoL setup in the BIOS.

On the remote machine, the sudoers file will need to be modified
with the line "%admin ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown" near the 
bottom of the file (no quotes). This will allow any user in the
'admin' group to run the shutdown command. Modify this line to
suit your needs.

Modify the .backup.conf file with your information. The 
exclude.txt file needs to have each directory, relative to your
backup directory, that you are going to exclude listed, one per
line. For example, if you wanted to backup '/home/user' but
not backup '/home/user/a' and '/home/user/q', the exclude.txt
file should look like:
(without the equal signs). Once you have these two files setup,
you should be able to just run the script with no issues. If
you have any problems, open an issue on github.

This script has been tested to work in Ubuntu 11.10 (client)
to Ubuntu 11.10 (server). If you have success with it on your
setu, please let me know so I can update this section.

Please submit bugs to the issue tracker on my github:
http://github.com/kuruoujou. You likely downloaded this from 
there, unless someone else is hosting it for whatever reason.