xbmcvc is a program for controlling XBMC (http://xbmc.org/) with simple voice commands. It uses CMU Sphinx for speech recognition.
To use xbmcvc, the following libraries need to be installed on your system:
- pocketsphinx along with its prerequisite, sphinxbase (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/download/) Note: you should use the version from the sourceforge page. In ubuntu at least, the version in the repository is out of date and will not work with xbmcvc.
- libcurl (shipped with cURL, should be present on most systems; if that's not your case, go to http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/)
For xbmcvc to work, you need an XBMC version which supports JSON-RPC API version 3 or higher, which means any pre-11.0 (pre-Eden) or newer version should work. Older releases (including Dharma) are not supported.
git clone https://github.com/kempniu/xbmcvc
make install
After performing the above steps, you should be able to run the program by executing:
NOTE: the user running xbmcvc should be allowed to access your sound card. On the Gentoo distribution, for instance, this is achieved by adding the user to the audio group.
xbmcvc uses JSON-RPC via HTTP for passing commands to XBMC. In order for this to work, you need to go to the network settings page in XBMC (System -> Settings -> Network -> Services) and turn Allow control of XBMC via HTTP on.
At startup, xbmcvc will initialize the speech recognition library and, after successfully self-calibrating to properly tell silence and speech apart, it will start listening to your commands. If you get an error saying Failed to calibrate voice activity detection, please check your mixer levels for capturing audio.
xbmcvc recognizes a limited set of commands listed alphabetically in file model/xbmcvc.vocab. Just try saying them to the microphone and see what happens - the commands should be pretty self-explanatory.
Currently xbmcvc only supports voice commands spoken in English. Additional languages may be added in the future.
To avoid confusion, xbmcvc will perform a maximum of 5 actions at a time. You can say more voice commands than that, but only the first five recognized commands will be executed.
If you are trying to control an XBMC instance installed on a different machine than the one you're running xbmcvc on (or your XBMC listens on a non-standard port), make sure you pass the correct hostname and port number to xbmcvc via its -H and -P command line switches, respectively. If you have a username and password set up on the machine, pass the correct username and password with the -U and -p command line switches.
If capturing from the default ALSA device doesn't work for you, you can specify the ALSA device you want to capture speech from using the -D command line switch.
I'm always happy to hear feedback. If you have a problem with xbmcvc or you want to share an idea for a new feature, feel free to create an issue at GitHub. You can also catch me on Twitter.