
Parse and verify a Visible Digital Seal (VDS) or VDS-NC (Non-Constrained).

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

VDS/VDS-NC Parser for the JVM

Parse and verify a Visible Digital Seal or VDS-NC (Non-Constrained).

How to use

Reading the barcode

Reading a barcode is not part of this library. Here are a few options:

Google Code Scanner on Android

On Android, you can use the Google Code Scanner from ML Kit.

Google ML Kit

If you want more control over the scanning process, you can use ML Kit's barcode scanning API on Android and/or iOS.


For everything on the JVM, you might want to use the ZXing barcode scanning library.

Note: VDS DataMatrix barcodes contain binary data. To extract the raw byte array from a ZXing Result object, the BYTE_SEGMENTS need to be appended manually. Unfortunately, Result.getRawBytes() cannot be used because it returns the raw encoded data, not the payload in it.

Here's how to do it in Kotlin:

import com.google.zxing.Result
import com.google.zxing.ResultMetadataType

fun Result.getRawData(): ByteArray? {
	val metadata = resultMetadata ?: return null
	val segments = metadata[ResultMetadataType.BYTE_SEGMENTS] ?: return null
	var bytes = ByteArray(0)
	for (seg in segments as Iterable<ByteArray>) {
		bytes += seg
	// If the byte segments are shorter than the converted string, the
	// content of the QR Code has been encoded with different encoding
	// modes (e.g. some parts in alphanumeric, some in byte encoding).
	// This is because Zxing only records byte segments for byte encoded
	// parts. Please note the byte segments can actually be longer than
	// the string because Zxing cuts off prefixes like "WIFI:".
	return if (bytes.size >= text.length) bytes else null

ZXing C++ fork

For other platforms, there is an excellent C++ fork of the ZXing library that runs on a variety of systems.

Including Android.

Parse the barcode contents

VDS are binary data, VDS-NC are just text.


Once you have a ByteArray with the content of a VDS barcode, you can parse and verify it like this:

import com.kurzdigital.vds.security.CertificateListIterator
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.decodeVds
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.labelStringPairs
import com.kurzdigital.vds.Label
import java.security.cert.Certificate

fun parseAndVerifyVds(
	content: ByteArray,
	certificates: List<Certificate>
): Boolean {
	val vds = content.decodeVdsOrNull() ?: return false

	// Inspect vds.header here if desired.

	// Either inspect specific messages of specific types.
	when (vds.type) {
		VISA -> {
			// Do something with:

	// Or just enumerate all messages.
	for (message in vds.messages.labelStringPairs()) {
		// message is of type Pair<Label, String>

	// Verify with your list of certificates.
	return vds.verify(

See the test sources for a sample of how to load a list of Certificates.


This is how to parse and verify VDS-NC:

import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.decodeVdsNcOrNull
import java.security.cert.TrustAnchor

fun parseAndVerifyVdsNc(
	content: String,
	trustAnchors: Set<TrustAnchor>
): Boolean {
	val vdsNc = content.decodeVdsNcOrNull() ?: return false

	// Inspect vdsNc.header here if desired.

	// Either inspect specific messages of specific types.
	when (vdsNc.type) {

	// Or just enumerate all messages.
	for (message in vdsNc.messages) {
		// message is of type Pair<String, String>

	// Verify with your set of trust anchors.
	return when (vdsNc.verify(trustAnchors)) {

You can read the TrustAnchors from an InputStream that holds a CSCA Master List with com.kurzdigital.vds.security.readCscaMasterList. See the test sources for a sample of how to do this.

Read VDS and VDS-NC

The simplest approach is to just try and parse:

import com.google.zxing.Result
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.Vds
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.VdsNc

fun parseAndVerify(result: Result) {
	val raw = result.getRawData() // Not getRawBytes()! See above.
	val vds = raw?.decodeVdsOrNull() ?: result.text.decodeVdsNcOrNull()
	when (vds) {
		is Vds -> //
		is VdsNc -> //
		else -> //

What about Java?

In Java, you would call the Kotlin extension functions like ByteArray.decodeVdsOrNull() this way:

import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.DecoderKt;
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.Vds;

class VdsDecoder {
	public static boolean parseAndVerify(byte[] content) {
		Vds vds = DecoderKt.decodeVdsOrNull(content);
		// …

How to include


Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then add the dependency in your app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
	implementation ('com.github.kurzdigital:vds-jvm:1.0.0', {
		exclude group:'org.json', module:'json'

Note: The json module needs to be excluded on Android because Android already contains the JSON classes.


Add the JitPack repository to your pom.xml:


Add the dependency:
