Interview Demo App to search photos

This application is use to search photos from Flickr APIs.


  • This app requires Mac OS Catalina (10.15.7) or higher
  • Minimum Xcode 11.4.1 required

Getting Started :

  • Clone this project
  • Run Interview_Demo.xcodeproj

Implementation Details

Below are list of Packages and responsibilities of each packages :

  • BackEnd - This package contains code base of service handling.
  • FronEnd - This package contains code base of view and its business logic.
  • Resources - This package holds all resources of application like Assets, Localization file etc.
  • Model - This package holds all data models of application.
  • Utility - This package holds utilities like LocalizationUtility , AppConstants etc.
  • Interview_DemoTests - This package contains all unit test cases of application

Views :

  • SearchViewController - This is main view controller which holds collection view and search bar and its interactions.
  • SearchViewCollectionCell - This is cusomized UICollectionCell to show cases and image and progressing of image download

View Models :

  • SearchViewModel - This is view model view controller interacts with this to update UI layout.

Models :

  • PhotoModel - This model respresents a replica of JSON coming from Flickr API
  • SearchResultModel - This model also respresents a replica of JSON coming from Flickr API

Service Classes :

  • ServiceManager - This class is responsible to talk with URLSession using respective tasks.
  • ServiceConstants - This class contains all constants related to services like API_key
  • PhotoServiceManager - This class is responsible for calling search module's APIs like search photos / download photos.
  • PhotoCachingManager - This class this responsible for caching of images