
Planet Labs Coding Challenge

Primary LanguageHTML


Planet Labs Coding Challenge

#Installation Requirements

  1. install pip
  2. install python
  3. install mongoDB and start the mongo service
  4. sudo pip install Flask
  5. sudo pip install mongoengine

#To run flask server

  1. python app.py
  2. Open browser and type url - http://localhost:5000/ and press enter

#API Details

API to create an asset

POST - http://localhost:5000/createAsset

request paramters - { "assetName" : "_12345", "assetType" : "satellite", "assetClass" : "dove" }

API to retrieve only one asset

GET - http://localhost:5000/getOneAsset/asset-name

API to get all assets

GET - http://localhost:5000/getAllAssets