PoC of execution an EVM message using Gramine platform, including remote attestation and limited reproducibility.

How it works

The sample program reads an input message and any necessary storage proofs from the untrusted host, via the file system data/input. This file should be customized to provide a payload which contains all the storage slots & values required by their transaction, including Merkle Patricia Proofs for proving that these transactions are part of the actual state. It assumes that there is also a state root available to check against.

The mapping of the input file is specified in the sgx-revm.manifest.template that Gramine uses to build the enclave and produce the MRENCLAVE hash that represents the application's trusted compute base.

The emphasis of this demo is on reproducibility. You do not need an SGX instance to follow along with building and verification. Reproducibility comes mainly from using Gramine's published dockerhub image. See our minimal Dockerfile for more context.

To actually run the entire experiment using SGX, you might provision an SGX server, e.g. on Azure. The same Docker image is used, only now the host's AESM service and SGX driver are attached.

How to replicate the MRENCLAVE build using Docker (no SGX Required)

The best way to replicate the results is through Docker. The included Dockerfile begins from the Gramine project's tagged docker image. If the build succeeds then you have reproduced the MRENCLAVE, which should be identical to the MRENCLAVE that would run on an SGX-enabled node.

Next we can validate the sample report, signed from IAS. If the MRENCLAVE doesn't match, this will be reported. The sample report is clearly from an unpatched machine, --allow-outdated-tcb is just so it outputs the full report, it's not a policy suggestion. Also notice that even without SGX, we can complete the interactive "quote verification" step. This has to use an API key, but it doesn't have to be the one used from codesigning. This is one of the flows that is different when using DCAP, and it is not part of the TCB for the verifier. The significance in this demo is to show that this step doesn't need to be run in an enclave.

docker build . --tag revm
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/data:/workdir/data revm bash

gramine-sgx-sigstruct-view sgx-revm.sig
# Expect: mr_enclave: 38592370d0c81f182fc027e8f8afc64f8f1bbe7cf7d59183eb2497c3a27809c3

# Verifying sample reports
export MRENCLAVE=38592370d0c81f182fc027e8f8afc64f8f1bbe7cf7d59183eb2497c3a27809c3
gramine-sgx-ias-verify-report -E $MRENCLAVE -v -r sample/ -s sample/sample.reportsig --allow-outdated-tcb

# Untrusted interaction with IAS
gramine-sgx-quote-view sample/sample.quote
export RA_API_KEY=669244b3e6364b5888289a11d2a1726d
gramine-sgx-ias-request report -k $RA_API_KEY -q sample/sample.quote -r data/report -s data/reportsig
gramine-sgx-ias-verify-report -E $MRENCLAVE -v -r data/report -s data/reportsig --allow-outdated-tcb

How to replicate the execution on an SGX-enabled environment (still using Docker)

First set up the docker environment, providing access to the underlying enclave and AESM service, and mounting the data folder to use for output.

docker run -it --device /dev/sgx_enclave \
       -v /var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket:/var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket \
       -v ./data:/workdir/data \
       revm bash
gramine-sgx ./sgx-revm
gramine-sgx-quote-view data/quote

A quote is now saved in data/quote

How to verify the resulting quote (no SGX required)

Although you do not need SGX, you will need to use an API key from Intel Attestation Services (IAS). You can register for free here:

docker run -it -v ./data:/workdir/data revm bash
gramine-sgx-quote-view data/quote
export RA_API_KEY=669244b3e6364b5888289a11d2a1726d
gramine-sgx-ias-request report -k $RA_API_KEY -q data/quote -r data/report -s data/reportsig
gramine-sgx-ias-verify-report -v -r data/report -s data/reportsig --allow-outdated-tcb

The invocation of gramine-sgx-ias-request report should respond with something IAS submission successful. Anything else indicates the API key is no longer valid and you should try to register your own.

Replicating the experiment with Gramine directly, no Docker

This may be more direct if you already have a Gramine instance installed. This folder is meant to be convenient to run from within gramine/CI-Examples/gramine-sgx-revm. However the main drawback is that there will be little chance of reproducing MRENCLAVE exactly system by system

Installing the Gramine platform

On an SGX-supported machine (e.g. on Azure, an Intel NUC, Inspiron laptop, etc.), you'll need to install the Gramine library.

Providing a quick-start below:

# From:
# Install Gramine and Intel SDK Dependencies
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/gramine-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gramine-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -sc) main" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gramine.list

sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/intel-sgx-deb.asc
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/intel-sgx-deb.asc] $(lsb_release -sc) main" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gramine libsgx-aesm-epid-plugin

# Check your SGX setup, all should be green except the `libsgx_enclave_common` maybe.

# Generate Gramine mrsigner keys if you haven't yet (we won't use code signing but it's needed)

# Set up rust
curl -sSf | bash
rustup toolchain install nightly

# Build the rust target. Unlike Fortanix, this doesn't include any custom target.
cargo build --release

# Use Gramine to build the manifest and compute the MRENCLAVE
make SGX=1
gramine-sgx-sigstruct-view sgx-revm.sig

# Run Gramine
gramine-sgx sgx-revm
gramine-sgx-quote-view data/quote
export RA_API_KEY=669244b3e6364b5888289a11d2a1726d
gramine-sgx-ias-request report -k $RA_API_KEY -q data/quote -r data/report -s data/reportsig
gramine-sgx-ias-verify-report -v -r data/report -s data/reportsig --allow-outdated-tcb