
Social media platform for music lovers 🎶

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Music Oven 🎶

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Social media platform for music lovers 🎶. Build 🛠 using CodeIgniter 3 & Bootstrap 5.

Music Oven

⚙️ Prerequisites

  • PHP 8.0
  • XAMPP (or similar local server setup)

🖥 Project Setup

- Clone the Project

git clone https://github.com/kushanshamika/music-oven

- Import db.sql

- Add the database configuration

Music Oven uses the CodeIgniter default database configuration; therefore, edit the following variables in the config/database.php file.

- hostname
- username
- password
- database

- Set Base URL

Edit CodeIgniter base URL in the config/config.php

- Set Image Kit credintials in the application/controllers/Users.php

ImageKit.io is used to store user profile pictures.

$imageKit = new ImageKit(
	"<public key>",
	"<private key>",
	"<url endpoint>" 

- Run it in a web browser

📝 License