
This is a simple Web WhatsApp Bot developed in python using Selenium. Selenium is used mainly for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) be automated as well.



Step 1: Install Selenium

$ pip3 install selenium

Step 2: Selenium requires a driver to interface with the chosen browser.

For Click for Chrome For Click for FireFox For Click for safari

Step 3: Extract the downloaded driver onto a folder

Step 4: Set path variable to the environment. Paste this command to the terminal

$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/path/to/the/driver/folder/
Eg: $ export PATH=$PATH:/home/harshit/Desktop/WhatsAppBot

Step 5: run whatsapp.py using Python3

$ python3 whatsapp_bot.py

Step 6: When the browser is opened web.whatsapp.com will be opened and will ask to scan a QR code when you it first time

Step 7: After Scanning the QR code, you will be asked to press Enter Key in the terminal.