
A Magento module for logging all REST API requests.

Primary LanguagePHP

Magento 2 WebAPI Logger (REST) modified by Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing

NOTE: This module is a fork of the original Magento 2 WebAPI Logger (REST). It adds additional settings to the module configuration like enabling/disabling of scopes.

A Magento module for logging all REST API requests as text files in var/log/webapi_rest/ folder.

Installation steps

Get the module via composer

In order to install the module via composer, run the following commands in commandline of your shop base directory (where the shop's composer.json file resides).

composer require "vladflonta/magento2-webapi-log":"~0" --no-update

Add fork to composer.json

Read for more details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13500676

    "repositories": [
        "kussin_magento2-webapi-log": {
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/kussin/magento2-webapi-log.git"
    "require": {
        "vladflonta/magento2-webapi-log": "dev-stage"

And then run the following command in commandline of your shop base directory (where the shop's composer.json file resides).

composer update --no-interactions

Module installation via repository cloning

git clone https://github.com/kussin/magento2-webapi-log.git app/code/VladFlonta/WebApiLog

Enable module

bin/magento module:enable VladFlonta_WebApiLog
bin/magento setup:upgrade


The modules logs requests to subfolders in the var/log/webapi_rest according to the REST route.

Example: var/log/webapi_rest/integration/admin/token/20181213_082324.log

Remark: Auth requests do not contain body / response to avoid a security breach.

User Guide

User Guide


Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing GmbH
Fahltskamp 3
25462 Rellingen

Fon: +49 (4101) 85868 - 0
Email: info@kussin.de


This project is licensed under the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)


(c) 2006-2022 Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing GmbH