Autocomplete Chip Input README

Welcome to the Autocomplete Chip Input project! This project provides a user-friendly input experience with the ability to select items from a dynamic list and turn them into chips. The project is implemented in React and TypeScript, ensuring a clean and maintainable codebase.


Check out the live demo:

NOTE: The current demo does not support responsiveness. Please view it on a desktop or laptop for the best experience.


  1. Autocomplete Input Field:

    • Clicking on the input field triggers a dynamic list of items to appear.
    • As you type, the list updates to show only items that match your input.
  2. Chips:

    • Clicking on an item in the list turns it into a chip displayed at the top of the input field.
    • The input field adjusts automatically to accommodate the selected chips.
    • Once an item becomes a chip, it is removed from the autocomplete list.
  3. Chip Removal:

    • Each chip has an "X" icon for removal.
    • Clicking the "X" icon removes the chip and adds the corresponding item back to the autocomplete list.
  4. Backspace Functionality:

    • When the input field is blank and the user presses backspace, the last chip will be removed and moved to edit.
  5. Keyboard Navigation

    • Use the arrow keys (Up and Down) to navigate through the suggestion list.
    • Press Enter to select the highlighted suggestion as a chip.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd autocomplete-chip-input
    npm install
  3. Build and run the project:

    npm run dev
  4. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173/ to view the application.