

Primary LanguagePython

Test-Driven Development with FastAPI and Docker

CI/CD wemake-python-styleguide

Developing RESTfull API Through Testing and Deployment.


A light API for performing CRUD operations in this example of interacting with links.

GET http://localhost/docs

GET http://localhost/ping

GET http://localhost/summaries

POST http://localhost/summaries

GET http://localhost/summaries/{id}

PUT http://localhost/summaries/{id}

DELETE http://localhost/summaries/{id}



  • Develop an asynchronous RESTful API with Python and FastAPI.
  • Practice Test-Driven Development.
  • Test a FastAPI app with pytest.
  • Containerize FastAPI and Postgres inside a Docker container.
  • Configure GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Use GitHub Packages to store Docker Images.
  • Deploy FastAPI, Uvicorn, and Postgres to Heroku with Docker.

The code is written for educational purposes and practical use in work.