
ScorBot Toolbox for MATLAB



ScorBot Toolbox for MATLAB

This toolbox interfaces and simulates the Intelitek ScorBot-ER 4U with MATLAB. The toolbox allows users to control ScorBot, to acquire sensor information from ScorBot and to visualize aspects of ScorBot's movements. This download includes an install file to create the toolbox and add paths as needed. All toolbox functions include extensive help documentation, error checking, and visualization tools.

First Time Installation Instructions

  1. Download, unzip, and install the Intelitek RoboCell/ScorBase software
    • Use the "Robocell_Scorbase_Setup_2020 B2.exe" download,
    • Run "Robocell_Scorbase_Setup_2020 B2.exe," and
    • Select "SCORBASE ER4u" when promoted.
  2. Download "ScorBotToolbox.zip" (or alternate version)
  3. Unzip "ScorBotToolbox.zip"
  4. Open MATLAB as an administrator
  5. Change your MATLAB Current Directory to the location containing contents of the unzipped ScorBotToolbox
  6. Run "installScorBotToolbox"
  7. Move "ScorBotToolbox Example SCRIPTS" to a location of your choosing (optional)

Update Instructions

  1. Open MATLAB as an administrator
  2. Run "ScorUpdate"

Toolbox Reference Guide

ScorBot Toolbox Quick Reference Guide

Additional information

ScorBot Toolbox USNA Download Page


  1. M.D.M. Kutzer, J. Donnal, & C.E. Wick, "The ScorBot Toolbox for MATLAB: An Open-Source Hardware Interaction and Simulation Library for the Intelitek SCORBOT-ER 4u Educational Robot," in Proc. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2023 Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, June 2023.
  2. J. Esposito, C. Wick, & K. Knowles, "Matlab Toolbox for the Intelitek Scorbot: An open source robotics education library," in Proc. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, 2011.
  3. C. Wick, J. Esposito, & K. Knowles, (2012, Aug 25) Matlab Toolbox for the Intelitek Scorbot (MTIS) [Online]. Available: https://www.usna.edu/Users/weapsys/esposito/scorbot.matlab.php