
REST APIs to retrieve Adobe Media Encoder's status

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM version Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status


REST API to retrieve Adobe Media Encoder's status


Method Path Description Request Params Query Strings Response JSON Format
GET /api/queue Returns the number of files in watch-folder - - {num: number of files}
GET /api/logs/:num Returns the last {num} log entries in reverse chronological order num must be an integer between 1 to 128 - [{state: "started"/"stopped"/"paused"/"resumed"/"success"/"failed", date: datetime of the log entry}]
GET /api/encode/:file-name Moves one file in master-folder to watch-folder file-name cannot contain '/' copy: Set true if you want to copy the master file rather than move (default=false) -
GET /api/rename Rename the output files based on the renameRules defined in the config file and move the files to the outputFolder if defined - - -
  • watch-folder must be registered as AME's watch folder
  • master-folder must be on the same file system with watch-folder


  • Install Node.js
  • Clone source code and install dependencies
$ git clone git@github.com:kuu/ame-watcher.git
$ cd ame-watcher
$ npm install


  • Put config file(s) in your work directory.
 $ mkdir config
 $ vi config/default.json
   "path": {
     "masterFolder": "/path/to/master-folder",
     "watchFolder": "/path/to/watch-folder",
     "logFile":     "/path/to/log-file",
     "outputFolder": "/path/to/output-folder"
   "log": {
     "lang": "ja"
   "renameRules": [
  • Supported log file languages are "en" and "ja" (default = "en")
  • You can rename the output


  • Start the server with specifying port number (the default port is 3000)
$ PORT={port number} npm start
  • Now you can access the APIs
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/queue

$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/logs/3
  {"state": "success", date: "2017-09-06T08:24:05.000Z"},
  {"state": "started", date: "2017-09-06T08:23:43.000Z"},
  {"state": "failed",  date: "2017-09-06T08:22:30.000Z"}

$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/encode/ame%20test.mp4

  • Timezone is UTC
  • Use DEBUG environ variable for detail logs
$ DEBUG=ame-watcher npm start


  • Stop the server (not AME) by the following command in the same directory you did npm start
$ npm stop