Scrapes data from any website provided with a template target for it to fetch. This project uses the Java libraries JSoup (, JSON.Simple (, JSON in Java (, Selenium (, PhantomJS ( and GhostDriver (
Example code:
String url = "";
String targets = "{'title':'head > title', 'content':'.thing'}"; // These css selectors point to which elements to scrape
WebScraper result = new WebScraper(url, Method.GET, targets); // Scrape the data
result.print(); // Print 100% of data
Element element = result.elem("content", 2); // Select 'content' and get 3rd element
System.out.println(element.text()); // Output the text
System.out.println(element.className()); // Output the class name
And if you're feeling like a one liner:
Elements[] result = new WebScraper("", Method.GET, "{'title':'head > title', 'content':'.thing'}").allElems();
It also handles authentication:
String urlLogin = ""; // This url is the actual login page which authenticates and returns the session cookies
String urlHome = ""; // Home url, reddit is being used as an example
WebScraper result = new WebScraper(
"{op : login-main, api_type : json, user : yourusername, passwd : yourpassword}", // These are the headers required for the login process
"{'content':'html'}" // Fetch the root element
System.out.println(result); // Output the result after authentication
If you want to scrape from a more complex website (like facebook) AND also take a screenshot of it, you can do it like this:
String urlLogin = "";
String urlHome = "";
// Initialize:
WebScraper result = new WebScraper(
"{email: youremail, pass: yourpassword, persistent: 1, default_persistent: 1, timezone: -60, locale: pt_PT}",
"{lsd, lgndim, lgnrnd, lgnjs, qsstamp}"
// Set callback:
result.setProperty(WebScraper.Props.ENGINE_GET_CALLBACK, new EngineCallback() {
public void after_get(PhantomJS ctx) {
// Take screenshot of your facebook page
ctx.take_screenshot("C:\\Users\\Me\\Desktop\\screenshot.png", true);
public void before_get(PhantomJS ctx) { }
// Scrape the whole document:
result.scrape(urlHome, Method.GET, "{'html':'html'}")
.export("C:\\Users\\Me\\Desktop\\scraped.json", false, true);
System.out.println("Done scraping");
If you don't want to enter manually the parameters of the POST request for authentication, you can do it manually, which also means you don't have do write your password in your code:
String urlLogin = "";
String urlHome = "";
WebScraper.manual_auth = true; // Authenticate manually. A firefox window will popup and will wait for you to login on the website
WebScraper result = new WebScraper(urlLogin,urlHome, true);
result.scrape(urlHome, urlLogin, null, "{'html':'html'}");
result.export("C:\\Users\\Me\\Desktop\\out.json", false, true);