Codeforces Template Generator

Codeforces Template Generator is a command-line tool that helps you quickly create template files for competitive programming questions on Codeforces.


Create a template file in the language of your choice, containing required imports, properly named class names, fast I/O templates, and a while loop for handling various test cases.

Supported Languages

  • C++
  • Java
  • Python

The generator will create a properly formatted template file ready for competitive programming.


  • Automated Template Creation: Quickly generate template files with essential components for competitive programming questions.
  • Language Support: Choose from C++, Java, or Python to create your templates.
  • Codeforces Integration: Seamlessly integrate with Codeforces by providing the problem code.



  • Run go build to create an executable file for your OS.
  • Then, add the executable to your PATH.
  • Rename the executable to cft.exe.
  • Now, you can use the tool by typing cft in the terminal.

How to Use

Open the terminal in the folder where you want to create the file and use the following command:

cft <problem-code> <language>


To generate a C++ template file for problem 123A on Codeforces, use the following command:

cft 123/A cpp

This command will create a properly formatted C++ template file for the specified problem code (123A) ready for competitive programming.


  • Currently only java and cpp are supported.