
Provide a series of small tips to help developers with code cleanliness create cleaner code.

Primary LanguageJava


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A collection of small code tools.
call menu shortcut key:ctrl+alt+c
All functions can be used at the current file level, selected file level, and selected folder level. They will take effect on all selected files.
More small functions are under development. Welcome to Slack or GitHub issue for suggestions.

Function list

  • Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project.
  • Remove blank lines from the file.
  • Add @param annotations to the method parameters of the Mapper interface file, automatically extract the method parameter names as the value of the @Param annotation.
  • Convert single-line comments of class attributes to JavaDoc comments. (Many one-click document generation plug-ins, such as FastRequest, are based on JavaDoc comments, so this function can be used with these plug-ins)
  • Add annotations to class attributes according to the document comments of the class attributes, such as: generate @ApiModelProperty annotations, @ExcelProperty annotations, @JsonProperty annotations, etc.
  • Add annotations to class attributes according to the class attributes name, such as: generate @ApiModelProperty annotations, @ExcelProperty annotations, @JsonProperty annotations, etc.
  • Add Function: something else...


更多的小功能正在开发中, 欢迎到 Slack 或者 GitHub issue 提出您的建议。


  • IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template 创建项目.
  • 从文件中删除空行。
  • 在Mapper接口文件的方法参数中添加@param注释,自动提取方法参数名称作为@Param注释的值。
  • 将类属性的单行注释转换为JavaDoc注释。(许多一键文档生成插件,如FastRequest,都是基于JavaDoc注释的,因此可以与这些插件一起使用此功能)
  • 根据类属性的文档注释添加注解,例如:生成 @ApiModelProperty 注解、@ExcelProperty 注解、@JsonProperty 注解等,以及自定义注解。
  • 根据类属性名称添加注释,例如:生成 @ApiModelProperty 注释、@ExcelProperty 注释、@JsonProperty 注释等,以及自定义注解。
  • 更多功能开发中...


  • Using IDE built-in plugin system:

    Settings/Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "clean-code-sweep" > Install Plugin

  • Manually:

    Download the latest release and install it manually using Settings/Preferences > Plugins > ⚙️ > Install plugin from disk...

Plugin based on the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template.