Gatsby Theme CORE โ€” by kuworking

Core theme for kuworking themes, which you can find here


๐Ÿ“ Description

Core theme consumed as a base theme for other kuworking themes

๐Ÿš€ Characteristics

The CORE theme is responsible of

  • Taking care of MDX processing
  • Pages, posts, tag categories
  • Implementing theme-ui
  • Implementing robots.txt, SEO, RSS feeds, sitemap, google TAG manager, manifest, PWA and image processing (when applies)
  • Providing components for Day/Night switch mode, react-spring elements, custom hooks, custom lazy-loading of images, different providers, MailChimp, Disqus

๐Ÿ”ฅ How to Use

This theme is meant to be consumed by other themes kuworking themes

๐Ÿงก Dependencies

  • gatsby
  • @emotion
  • @mdx-js
  • gatsby-plugin-feed
  • gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager
  • gatsby-plugin-manifest
  • gatsby-plugin-offline
  • gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
  • gatsby-plugin-robots-txt": "1.5.1",
  • gatsby-plugin-sitemap
  • gatsby-plugin-theme-ui": "0.3.0",
  • gatsby-theme-kuworking-methods

๐Ÿ–– The Site

These themes are hosted in, a site about GatsbyJS and WordPress (in Spanish ๐ŸŒž)

Feel free to come anytime you want ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ

๐Ÿ“ป Newsletter

If you want to suscribe to my newsletter (in Spanish), you are very welcomed, you can find the form here