
A Swiftier Codable experience.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


LinkedIn Github Cocoapods Swift 5

A Swiftier Codable experience. CodableKit is a library built to extend Swift's Codable.


  • Decode without specifying type
  • Decode/Encode Array<Any>
  • Decode/Encode Dictionary<String, Any>
  • Use Model initializers instead of using Decoder.decode(...) methods
  • XML Custom Decoder/Encoder CodableKit/XMLParsing


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Swift 5.1+


CodableKit is available through the dependency manager CocoaPods.

To install the CodableKit via cocoapods, simply use the add this in your podfile and then run pod install

pod 'Codable-Kit'


Import CodableKit at the top of the Swift file that you will need to encode/decode objects

import Codable_Kit

All your interactions with encoding/decoding will work with Swift's Codable protocol. This library is just a collection of extensions for improving the functionality of Codable.

Normally decoding an object would require you to specify the type of the object you need to decode.

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
    let user = try decoder.decode(User.self, from userData)
} catch {

With the extensions added in this framework you can now decode without specifying the data type on the method itself.

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
    let user: User = try decoder.decode(userData)
    // or
    let user2 = try decoder.decode(userData) as User
} catch {

Additionally you can also instantiate Decodable conforming objects directly

struct User: Decodable {
    let id: String
    let firstName: String
    let lastName: String

do {
    let user = try User(data)
    let user2 = try User(string)
    let user3 = try User(fileUrl)
} catch {

Another added funcionality of this framework is support for Decoding/Encoding [String: Any] and [Any] types

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
    let dict = try decoder.decode([String: Any].self, from data)
    let dict2: [String: Any] = try decoder.decode(data)
    let dict3 = try decoder.decode(data) as [String: Any]
    let array = try decoder.decode([Any].self, from data)
    let array2: [Any] = try decoder.decode(data)
    let array3 = try decoder.decode(data) as [Any]
} catch {

This will also work on Models who conform to Codable/Decodable

struct FooModel: Codable {
    let dict: [String: Any]
    let array: [Any]
    let optionalDict: [String: Any]?
    let optionalArray: [Any]?

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case dict
        case array
        case optionalDict
        case optionalArray

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
    let foo: FooModel = try decoder.decode(data)
    print("dict:", foo.dict)
    print("array:", foo.array)
    print("optionalDict:", foo.optionalDict)
    print("optionalArray:", foo.optionalArray)
} catch {

This framework can also decode files from the app's bundle

let decoder = FileDecoder(decoder: JSONDecoder(), bundle: .main, fileManager: .default)
do {
    let user = try decoder.decode(User.self, from: File(name: "user", type: "json"))
    let user2: User = try decoder.decode(File(name: "user", type: "json"))
} catch {


All source code is licensed under the MIT License.