Used simple kubeadm-made cluster for this task
This project is meant to be run locally, so you need couple of tools to succeed, these versions are guaranteed working:
- Make 4.1 (e.g. apt install make)
- Terraform 0.11 ( don't use 0.12!)
- Docker 18.09 (e.g.
- kubectl client v1.13.4 (e.g.
- helm client v2.14.1 (e.g.
- Kubernetes cluster version 1.12 and above
- Working kubeconfig should reside in ~/.kube/config file on your client machine
You can try the different versions of tools above but the result is not guaranteed.
Git clone this repository and cd into the cloned directory.
First, perform terraform initialization:
make init
Look at the changes before applying configuration on your infrastructure:
make plan
If the output is valid for you, apply the changes to your infrastructure:
make apply
Helm modules reside in modules
These are helm-cli-install, helm-init and helm-jenkins chart.
Nginx Ingress controller is deployed with a host network
configuration and a custom HTTP port 8080
From machine having access to k8s hosts network:
curl http://$(kubectl -n ingress-nginx get po -o wide -l app=nginx-ingress -l component=controller -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.podIP}'):8080/jenkins/
- login:
- password:
printf $(kubectl get secret --namespace jenkins jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode);echo
The sample JCASC pipeline is already there. Simple Python script is being executed from within a runner slave pod as required