
Repo that keeps track of the allowed plugins in the Mautic Marketplace.

Mautic Marketplace allowlist

During the Mautic Marketplace beta (introduced in Mautic 4.1), we are using an allowlist to explicitly define plugins that we know work correctly with Mautic 4.

Important note: Mautic caches allowlist.json for 60 minutes (3600 seconds) by default. If you want to set a custom cache timeout, set marketplace_allowlist_cache_ttl_seconds to any number you want in your app/config/local.php.

Items in the JSON list

key meaning type
package Package name as found on Packagist required
minimum_mautic_version Minimum Mautic version that this item will be visible in. Example: 4.1.0 means that the package will show up in Mautic 4.1.0 and higher. optional
maximum_mautic_version Maximum Mautic version that this item will be visible in. Example: 4.1.0 means that this package will show up in Mautic 4.1.0 and lower. optional