Family tree of the Greek Gods

Based off the 8th century Theogony poem by Hesiod.


Initial setup for Neo4j

Run zsh restart.zsh command for first time setup.

You only need to run this script once.

Re-running will reset scripts and data each time. Thus only run it again if intentionally resetting.

If there are issues in running this script, watch for the error logs explaining resolutions.

The above setup suffices for Neo4j setup. You can access the database via: UI

The following is to use the data in an UI plus write our own db queries.

Run the following to install all dependencies first. Best to be on node version 18.16.0 and above.


Then, start the development server:

yarn dev

Once server is started, can run and test the queries via the request.http file in this project.

Or go to localhost:3000 to view Greek God information on homepage.

Example UI output for a Greek God Character

Sample UI