
This skill demonstrates how to build a private Alexa skill to access Salesforce data powered by Herkou and Heroku Connect. This sample skill is a Sales Assistant that allows users to access opportunities and make changes to them, in addition to giving a report on their revenue for the current quarter.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Alexa Skill Sample - Sales Assistant

Salesforce SetupHeroku SetupDeployAccount LinkingTestingDistribute Private Skills


This skill demonstrates how to build a private Alexa skill to access Salesforce data powered by Herkou and Heroku Connect.

This sample skill is a Sales Assistant that allows users to access opportunities and make changes to them, in addition to giving a report on their revenue for the current quarter.


This repository contains the NodeJS Heroku application code as well as Alexa skill definition files.

Amazon Developer Account

You need an Amazon developer account to create an Alexa Skill.

Alexa Skills Kit - Command Line Interface

The ASK CLI is used to create the skill voice user interface and models.

Once you have installed the CLI, you need to initialize ASK CLI with your Amazon developer account credentials with the following command:

$ ask init

Note: You may have AWS credentials connected to the ASK CLI to automatically deploy and manage skills powered by AWS Lambda; for this set up, you do not need to have AWS credentials tied to your ASK CLI installation. For more information on how to set up your AWS credentials, see Set Up Credentials for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account.


You will need a Salesforce Trailhead Playground to provide the Salesforce data for this skill.


You will need a Heroku account to deploy the provided code sample. You can sign up for one by deploying the code below (see more setup details on Step 2).



Together, we'll build a skill that is invoked with the name Sales Assistant.

Alexa, open Sales Assistant

Let's get started!

  1. Salesforce Setup - Set up a Salesforce org using Trailhead Playground.
  2. Heroku Setup - Configure your Heroku settings for Heroku Connect.
  3. Create the Alexa Skill - Deploy the provided skill.
  4. Account Linking - Create a Connected App in Salesforce to use for Account Linking to the Alexa skill.
  5. Testing - Make sure everything works.
  6. Distribute Private Skills - Learn about Alexa for Business and how to distribute private skills.

Get Started