
Scripts for override urls in keepass2

Primary LanguageVisual BasicMIT LicenseMIT

URL Overrides for KeePass

Here I collect url override scripts for KeePass in Linux and Windows systems.


PuTTY [windows]
  • Scheme: ssh
  • Command:
cmd://"{ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86}\PuTTY\putty.exe" -ssh "{USERNAME}@{URL:HOST}" -P {BASE:PORT} -pw "{PASSWORD}" 
OpenSSH Client [linux]
  • Scheme: ssh
  • Command:
cmd://xterm -e sshpass -p {PASSWORD} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}

More secure command:

cmd://bash -c 'FILE=$(mktemp) && chmod 600 $FILE && echo {PASSWORD} > $FILE ; xterm -e sshpass -f $FILE ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}; rm -f $FILE'

You need to install sshpass package. Instead of xterm you can write your own favorite terminal emulator


MSTSC [windows]
  • Scheme: rdp
  • Command:
cmd://cmd /c "cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/{URL:HOST} /user:{USERNAME} /pass:{PASSWORD} && mstsc /v:{BASE:RMVSCM} && cmdkey /delete:TERMSRV/{URL:HOST}"

Thanks Valiant from bitcollectors.com and DeWhite from habrahabr.ru for this solution

Remmina [linux]
  • Scheme: rdp
  • Command:
cmd://bash -c "FILE=/tmp/connect.remmina ; echo -en '[remmina]\nname={TITLE}\nprotocol=RDP\nserver={BASE:RMVSCM}\nscale=1\nviewmode=1\nusername={USERNAME}\npassword='`remmina-encode-password.py {PASSWORD}` > $FILE ; remmina -c $FILE ; rm -f $FILE"

More secure command:

cmd://bash -c "export DIR=/tmp/remmina; mkdir -p $DIR; chmod 700 $DIR; export FILE=$(mktemp -p $DIR XXXXXXXXXX --suffix=.remmina); echo -e '[remmina]\nname={TITLE}\nprotocol=RDP\nserver={BASE:RMVSCM}\nscale=1\nviewmode=1\nusername={USERNAME}\npassword='`remmina-encode-password.py {PASSWORD}` > $FILE ; nohup remmina -c $FILE &"

also we will need to install a small helper script:

curl -o /usr/local/bin/remmina-encode-password.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kvaps/keepass2-url-overriddes/master/remmina/remmina-encode-password.py
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/remmina-encode-password.py


RealVNC [windows]
  • Scheme: vnc
  • Command:
cmd://java -jar "{ENV_PROGRAMFILES}\tightvnc-jviewer.jar" -user="{USERNAME}" -password="{PASSWORD}" {BASE:RMVSCM}

Save tightvnc-jviewer.jar to C:\Program Files\tightvnc-jviewer.jar.

Remmina [linux]
  • Scheme: vnc
  • Command:
cmd://bash -c "FILE=/tmp/connect.remmina ; echo -en '[remmina]\nname={TITLE}\nprotocol=VNC\nserver={BASE:RMVSCM}\nscale=1\nviewmode=1\nusername={USERNAME}\npassword='`remmina-encode-password.py {PASSWORD}` > $FILE ; remmina -c $FILE ; rm -f $FILE"

More secure command:

cmd://bash -c "export DIR=/tmp/remmina; mkdir -p $DIR; chmod 700 $DIR; export FILE=$(mktemp -p $DIR XXXXXXXXXX --suffix=.remmina); echo -e '[remmina]\nname={TITLE}\nprotocol=VNC\nserver={BASE:RMVSCM}\nscale=1\nviewmode=1\nusername={USERNAME}\npassword='`remmina-encode-password.py {PASSWORD}` > $FILE ; nohup remmina -c $FILE &"

We do also need a little helper script, about which I wrote above

curl -o /usr/local/bin/remmina-encode-password.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kvaps/keepass2-url-overriddes/master/remmina/remmina-encode-password.py
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/remmina-encode-password.py


Explorer [windows]
  • Scheme: smb
  • Command:
cmd://cmd /c "net use "{BASE:RMVSCM}" /user:"{USERNAME}" "{PASSWORD}" && start \\{BASE:RMVSCM}"
Nautilus / Thunar / Dolphin [linux]
  • Scheme: smb
  • Command:
cmd://bash -c "echo -e '\n{PASSWORD}' | gvfs-mount 'smb://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}' ; nautilus 'smb://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}'"

More secure command:

cmd://bash -c "echo -e '\n{PASSWORD}' | gvfs-mount 'smb://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}' ; nohup nautilus 'smb://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}' &"

For Thunar and Dolphin is the same command, just replace nautilus to thunar or dolphin.


FileZilla FTP Client [windows]
  • Scheme: ftp
  • Command:
cmd://"{ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86}\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe" 'ftp://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{BASE:RMVSCM}'
Windows Explorer [windows]
  • Scheme: ftp
  • Command:
cmd://"explorer.exe" 'ftp://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{BASE:RMVSCM}'
FileZilla FTP Client [linux]
  • Scheme: ftp
  • Command:
cmd://filezilla 'ftp://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{BASE:RMVSCM}'
Nautilus / Thunar / Dolphin [linux]
  • Scheme: smb
  • Command:
cmd://bash -c "echo -e '\n{PASSWORD}' | gvfs-mount 'ftp://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}' ; nautilus 'ftp://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}'"

More secure command:

cmd://bash -c "echo -e '\n{PASSWORD}' | gvfs-mount 'ftp://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}' ; nohup nautilus 'ftp://{USERNAME}@{BASE:RMVSCM}' &"

For Thunar and Dolphin is the same command, just replace nautilus to thunar or dolphin.


TeamViewer [windows]
  • Scheme: teamviewer
  • Command:
cmd://"{ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86}\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" -i "{USERNAME}" --Password "{PASSWORD}"
TeamViewer [linux]
  • Scheme: teamviewer
  • Command:
cmd://teamviewer -i "{USERNAME}" --Password "{PASSWORD}"


Winbox [windows]
  • Scheme: winbox
  • Command:

Сохраните winbox.exe в C:\Program Files (x86)\winbox.exe.

Winbox [linux]
  • Scheme: winbox
  • Command:
cmd://winbox '{BASE:RMVSCM}' '{USERNAME}' '{PASSWORD}'

I use winbox from AUR.


PuTTY [windows]
  • Scheme: cisco
  • Command:
cmd://{ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86}\scriptsdir\Connector_Cisco.vbs "{S:lan}" "{USERNAME}" "{PASSWORD}" "{S:enable}"

Also download script Connector_Cisco.vbs Save it to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Connector_Cisco.vbs

*Thanks [therb1](https://habrahabr.ru/users/therb1/) from habrahabr.ru for this solution and script*

VSphere Client

VpxClient [windows]
  • Scheme: vpx
  • Command:
cmd://"{ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86}\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\VpxClient.exe" -i -s {URL:RMVSCM} -u {USERNAME} -p {PASSWORD}