Pinned issues
- 8
From<Vector2> for (f32, f32) and friends
#72 opened by thomak-dev - 2
derive(defmt::Format) for embedded systems
#77 opened by elpiel - 11
Default impl?
#58 opened by jgarvin - 1
Implement `Add` and `Sub`
#75 opened by sanbox-irl - 24
The road to 1.0?
#31 opened by icefoxen - 5
Switch to const generics
#73 opened by porky11 - 0
- 0
Update math libraries to support `IntoMint`
#69 opened by LPGhatguy - 8
Unique Conversion Trait
#59 opened by LPGhatguy - 1
Publish a new Version
#67 opened by sanbox-irl - 1
Setup github actions
#65 opened by kvark - 5
Bounding box types
#16 opened by kvark - 7
casting between generic number types
#63 opened by luiswirth - 0
- 7
Generic numeric types?
#52 opened by RazrFalcon - 1
#41 opened by Voker57 - 5
#[repr(align)], GLSL and nightly
#17 opened by nanokatze - 1
Implementations for Pod, Zeroable
#57 opened by krooq - 4
[meta] Integration tracking
#11 opened by kvark - 7
- 2
Quaternion memory layout inconsistent with `into` (and similar libraries/specs)
#49 opened by aloucks - 1
Bump the crate version to include no_std feature
#48 opened by eupn - 3
Source files distributed with executable bit set
#44 opened by silwol - 0
- 2
- 2
Colors support?
#39 opened by lo48576 - 0
Bivectors and Rotors
#32 opened by kvark - 7
Add RowMatrix3x2 and alike
#29 opened by kvark - 5
Type constructors
#12 opened by kvark - 2
Implement Deref and DerefMut
#25 opened by kvark - 5
Additional conversions
#18 opened by vitvakatu - 0
Incorrect non-rectangular matrix semantics
#21 opened by kvark - 0
- 0
Conversion tests
#10 opened by kvark - 1
Restricting phantom types
#13 opened by kvark - 10
What about traits?
#5 opened by nical - 1
Euler angles
#7 opened by kvark - 1
Quaternion handedness
#9 opened by kvark - 4
Decomposed transformations
#2 opened by kvark - 9
Design criteria
#4 opened by Ralith - 2
Consistent aliases
#1 opened by kvark