This is my hobby project done in free time. Basically you can create any DONTFORGET message however you like!
Actually... for that small site it has quite a lot of stuff!
✅ Fully client-side generating!
✅ Animated messages!
✅ Customizing message!
✅ It even has Music player! (if you get bored)
✅ ...what's the best is IT'S COMPLETELY FREE!
there are also some small secrets but they're not important :3
That's very easy! If you have an idea and you want it to be true you can just clone this repo with:
$ git clone
...and you should see new folder with the site files! All of them are in src
NOTE: For VS Code additional auto-complete you'll need Node.JS and install dependencies with npm install
to get types of libraries I used.
...speaking of libraries...
- Me (kvba) - Creator of the site, code, styles
- RickyG and His Team - DONTFORGET, Sprites, Music
- jnordberg - gif.js - library for creating GIF imagies directly in browser!
...and many more I wasn't able to credit. Credits to original creators of AUs and various games included in DONTFORGET!