
3 ways of bypassing admin restrictions/uac

Primary LanguageBatchfile


3 ways of bypassing admin restrictions/uac


  1. run userbruteforce.bat
  2. press 1 and choose your target
  3. press 2 and enter your targets username
  4. enter your password list (passlist.txt for default passlist)
  5. wait

NOTE: if it stops at a random attempt that means the password its on contains one of these characters: !><|^ (or another weird character), just delete that attempt from the file and restart

Fake UAC Prompt

  1. close any cmd windows you got open
  2. run main.vbs
  3. hide the folder (to not be sus)
  4. ask parent/teacher to help
  5. enjoy the admin cmd


  1. download whatever installer you want
  2. make sure it has the uac shield logo in the corner of its icon
  3. drag it over bypass.bat
  4. have fun

NOTE: if antivirus is detecing bypass.bat, do this with newbypass.bat