Looks up timezones based on postcode. This is based on the assumption that postcodes are roughly following the timezone lines. This is not always true, especially in disputed territories, but it is a good approximation for most cases.
The data used for this lookup is indirectly from OpenStreetMap.
from postcode_to_timezone import get_tz
get_tz('us', '12345')
returns 'America/Chicago'
To regenerate the lookup table, first obtain a dump of the location_postcode
table from a Nominatim database, and compress it to location_postcode.csv.xz
Then run python3 generate_lookup_table.py
to generate the lookup table.
Actual package is built with hatch build
, and the package is uploaded to PyPI
with hatch publish
A dump of the location_postcode table in a Nominatim database. Nominatim creates this database from OpenStreetMap data using the following query:
COALESCE(plx.country_code, get_country_code(ST_Centroid(pl.geometry))) as country_code,
pl.address->'postcode' as postcode,
COALESCE(plx.centroid, ST_Centroid(pl.geometry)) as geometry
FROM place AS pl
ON pl.osm_id = plx.osm_id AND pl.osm_type = plx.osm_type
pl.address ? 'postcode'
AND pl.geometry IS NOT null
A dump from that table is stored at location_postcode.csv.xz
A copy from this GitHub Gist
is stored in postcode_regex.json
. Actual source not known.
Timezone definitions are used from timezonefinder
package on
pypi. The package is licensed under
the MIT license.