Each of the datatypes are definied in decleration of the variable not by the define of the variable, set dose not have any particular order tuple is const variable list lift is a list and dict corresponds is similar as C++ map
Importint your functions from other file happens like this [from NULL_not_found import NULL_not_found]
Input comprehension from argv
2 diffrent types of input taking
Creates a new list of elements that corespond to the function data Iteration trought the list of args, manipulation with this args with preselected functions lambda
So not all data types you can opperate in similar manner, but is is super easy go from 1 data type to another in this case from the dict or map to the string
Recreated the ft_tqdm, static variables in context of C and yield return for updates
Too Boring to Do
Modification of the data types and selection of specific data
Removal of certain type of data from the data set
Transfering image to a array of data
Zooming in the image, croping image and resizing
Rotation of the image
Editing the color values of the image, we acces the array of the images and we modif the values in this array
[:, :, 0] = 0 this indicates if we want to select rows, colums or arrays
Just an import function from the panda library why panda is awesome, it is not complaing about the data set beeing wack, meanwhile np and list of list have diffrent problems, such as np complains about data set list of list is hard to display on the grap
Just a simple graph with plotting the data set
Same excerise with more countries
need to merge 2 datasets to find overlays and then to merge it
Make the basic class with abstract value called Character Make a class Startk inheriting from the character
Make Lannister class and Baratheon class that inherits from the Character
2 approaches dirrectly call and constructor or call and super() that specifies that you should use the function from the base inheritence class
Just a simple calculator
Simple calculator with extra steps