
The main webapp project for donatetohospitals.com

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


The main webapp project for donatetohospitals.com

DonateToHospitals.com will be where normal people who have stocked excess medical supplies beyond their needs will be able to donate those supplies to hospitals that need them to save lives while facing covid19


  • Will be a single server-rendered golang webapp to start
  • SUPPLIERS (everyday people probably) will submit information about what supplies they have
  • No authentication or sessions. People simply input their email address along with what items they have and we email them when there is a match
  • We will manually match users to hospitals on our end for now



  • Clone the repo locally
  • Make sure postgres is set up on your computer
  • use the example.config.yml to create a config.yml with the name/user/password/port of a local postgres db
  • go run main.go and visit localhost:9990


  • golang for language
  • http/template for templates
  • chi
  • postgres (gorm) for db
  • aws s3 for media
  • digitalocean for hosting
  • nginx
  • cloudflare
  • fastmail for email UI



See the structs for SUPPLIERS and ITEMS in the code

Hospitals won't even be in the db for now. We will correspond with them via email and do matching with SUPPLIERS by state manually. We must identify that they're legit, what supplies they need, and where/how they'd like it to be sent or dropped off

To Create a test supplier with items in the DB

Note that you'll have to change the email each time if you want to post multiple

curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
	"email": "awesome8@gmail.com",
	"geo": "MN",
	"ImageUrl": "https://donatetohospitalsdev.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/supply-placeholder.png",
	"items" : [
		{"Name": "asdf3", "Count": 10}, {"Name": "asdf4", "Count": 20}	
}' \

Landing page

  • Jumbotron explains what it is. Name and single sentence should explain it

  • Two big buttons

  1. I HAVE SUPPLIES - This goes to flow (A)
  2. I AM HOSPITAL STAFF - this goes to flow (B)
  • A list of the most recent 5-10 submitted SUPPLIERS (looks like a twitter feed)

A1 - supplier submission form. Includes email, state. If international go to (A2)

A2 - Form where the user enters their email and country to be notified if donatetohospitals.com is added to their country

B1 - The hospital is directed to the contact email and guided on what information we need to start getting them supplies