
Flow-matching algorithms in JAX

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of flow-matching models in JAX [1] [2]. These are basically diffusion models, and we base the backbone off of the Diffusion Transformer (DiT) model. See here for DiT implemenation.

[1] Liu et al 2022, Flow Straight and Fast: Learning to Generate and Transfer Data with Rectified Flow

[2] Lipman et al 2022, Flow Matching for Generative Modeling

We can sample from the noising path between x0 (noise) and x1 (data) by linear interpolation:

x_t = (1-t) * x_0 + t * x_1

and the objective is to match the normalized velocity:

v_theta(x_t) <- (x_1 - x_0).

During denoising, the flow-matching model defines an ODE. We can evaluate the solution to the ODE with Euler sampling, e.g.

x = noise
for i in range(N):
    dt = 1 / N
    x = x + v_theta(x) * dt


First, clone the repo. Then you can install the conda environment using conda env create -f environment.yml. You will need to compile the TFDS datasets for imagenet2012 or celebahq, see this repo.


To run training code, use train_flow.py. Evalute FID on a trained model with eval_fid.py.

Here are some useful to commands to replicate results. These use the DiT-B settings, with patch size of 2 for latent diffusion and 8 for pixels.

# Diffusion on Imagenet256 (w/ Stable Diffusion VAE)
python train_flow.py --dataset_name imagenet256 --wandb.name DiT-B --model.depth 12 --model.hidden_size 768 --model.patch_size 2 --model.num_heads 16 --model.mlp_ratio 4 --batch_size 512

# Diffusion on CelebaHQ256 (w/ Stable Diffusion VAE)
python train_flow.py --dataset_name celebahq256 --wandb.name DiT-B-CelebA --model.depth 12 --model.hidden_size 768 --model.patch_size 2 --model.num_heads 16 --model.mlp_ratio 4 --batch_size 512

# Diffusion on CelebaHQ256 (Pixels)
python train_flow.py --dataset_name celebahq256 --wandb.name DiT-B-CelebAPixel --model.depth 12 --model.hidden_size 768 --model.patch_size 8 --model.num_heads 16 --model.mlp_ratio 4 --batch_size 512 --use_stable_vae 0

The following numbers compares flow-matching with diffusion under the same network structure, along with to a reference diffusion implementation. 500 denoising steps are used.

Model FID 50K (ours) FID 50K (our diffusion) FID 50K (reference paper)
DiT-B Imagenet256, no CFG 42.0 52.5 43.47 (DiT)
DiT-XL Imagenet256, no CFG N/A N/A 9.62 (DiT)
DiT-B Imagenet256, CFG=4 15.4 16.34 N/A
DiT-B CelebAHQ256 28.9 28.35 5.11 (LDM)

With flow-matching it's easy to dynamically change the number of denoising steps. Each step is a deterministic function. Here is how it affects FID.

Imagenet256, CFG=4

Denoising Steps FID 50K (ours )
500 15.5
100 17.85
20 17.9
5 29.6
1 229.4


Denoising Steps FID 50K (ours )
500 28.9
100 28.7
20 28.87
5 58.4
1 249.7


DiT-B Imagenet, CFG=4

DiT-B CelebAHQ256
