dcp is a python library and command line tool that provides a fast and safe way to copy structured data between any two points, whether copying a CSV to a Mysql table or an in-memory DataFrame to an S3 JSONL file.
dcp orders.csv mysql://root@localhost:3306/mydb/orders
dcp uses best-in-class underlying client libraries, employs parallelization and compression to the extent possible, and estimates the memory, cpu, and wire costs of any copy operation to select the lowest cost copy path for available storages.
dcp uses Common Model Schemas under the hood as the "lingua franca" of structured data, allowing for careful preservation of logical data types and values across many formats and storage engines. Error handling behavior is configurable so when type conversion errors are encountered -- a value is truncated or cannot be cast -- dcp can fail, relax the datatype, or set the value null depending on the desired behavior.
Currently supported formats:
- CSV file
- Database table
- Pandas dataframe
- Apache arrow
Currently supported storage engines:
- Databases: postgres, mysql, sqlite (and any database supported by SqlAlchemy)
- File systems: local, S3 (coming soon)
- Memory: python
In addition, dcp supports related operations like inferring the schema of a dataset, conforming a dataset to a schema, and creating empty objects of a specified schema.
pip install datacopy
or poetry add datacopy
dcp orders.csv mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
This command will load the orders.csv
file into a mysql table (by default of the same name orders
on the given database, inferring the right schema from the data in the CSV.
dcp mysql://localhost:3306/mydb/orders s3://mybucket.s3/pth/orders.csv
This will export your orders
table to a file on S3 (in the "default" format for
the StorageEngine since none was specified, in the case of S3 a CSV).
The python library gives you a powerful API for more complex operations:
from dcp import Storage
records = [{"f1":"hello", "f2": "world"}]
fields = .infer_fields(records)
# >>> [Field(name="f1", type=Text), Field(name="f2", field_type=Text)]
assert Storage('file:///tmp/dcp').get_api().exists('records')
with Storage('file:///tmp/dcp').get_api().open('records') as f:
# >>> f1,f2
# >>> hello,world
data_format = .infer_format("records", storage='file:///tmp/dcp')
# >>> CsvFileFormat
assert Storage('postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb').get_api().exists("records")
dcp can easily be extended with storage engines or formats:
class RedisStorageEngine(StorageEngine):
scheme = "redis"
api = RedisStorageApi
class RedisStorageApi(StorageApi):
def exists():...
def exists():...
def exists():...
def exists():...
Adding a new format requires adding the handling logic for that format, for each storage class or engine that you want to support.