This repository contains solution to daily challenge.
There is always room for improvement. With that in mind, I will be updating this repository with better solutions regularly.
- String Peeler
- Diamond
- Vowel Counter
- Even or Odd
- Xs and Os
- Name Shuffler
- English Beggars
- Next Larger Number
- Double Trouble
- Deodorant Evaporator
- Facebook Likes
- Weird String Case
- Number Check
- Question Marks
- Calculator
- Free Pizza
- Middle Name
- Number Of People On The Bus
- Virus
- Counting Sheep
- Valid Curly Braces
- Caesar Cipher
- Bingo
- Third Angle of a Triangle
- Faro Shuffle
- Change Machine
- Unwanted Dollars
- Set Alarm
- Coffee Shop
- Pony Express
- Pyramid
- Recursive Ninjas
- Domain Name
- What is the price
- Grade Book
- One Step at a Time
- Number Neighbour
- Reverse Words
- Camel Case
- Expressions Matter
- RGB to Hex
- Are they the same
- No One Likes Spare Change