- 1
Smartlock: 502 Bad Gateway
#200 opened by developerGM - 0
Door opend not in Log
#199 opened by metaiiica - 0
- 6
- 1
async_forward_entry_setup stop working in HA 2025.6
#197 opened by oded106e - 1
nuki_ng log entry - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
#195 opened by mindgam3s - 2
Nuki Smart Lock Pro (4th generation)
#191 opened by ReneMronet - 5
No login since yesterday
#175 opened by thphilipp - 3
- 0
Sudden battery drain (Nuki 4.0 Pro)
#189 opened by Socio241 - 1
Problem Button on Smart Lock 4 break
#188 opened by Stephan-87 - 1
Nuki bug : incorrect display
#185 opened by Fougues - 0
Nuki Opener: battery status
#187 opened by Werner1903 - 0
'nuki_ng' accesses & hass.components.frontend. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024.9
#186 opened by circa1665 - 0
"configuration failed"
#184 opened by Fougues - 1
Error in log: "None is not a valid LockStates"
#168 opened by poughkeepsee - 6
Nuki Lock unavailable after HA OS Update 10.1
#150 opened by Milinator - 5
Failed to update callback
#156 opened by z-master42 - 4
- 0
Include "Invalid entry code" log message somehow
#183 opened by micronax - 9
Error while setting up nuki_ng platform for sensor
#181 opened by Claudio1L - 2
2024.1 log WARNING
#173 opened by neildsb - 2
Inconsistent missing entities
#145 opened by efolio - 0
Status not updating after disabling door sensor
#180 opened by luck3rhoch3 - 1
HA Core 2025.1 Deprecated Constant Changes Required
#179 opened by craibo - 2
- 1
Nuki lock pro v4
#169 opened by matata86 - 7
Not directly an isseu but missing an entity?
#174 opened by Pleeriezer - 0
Nuki_ng fires wrong events occasionally
#167 opened by tispokes - 0
- 16
Error communicating with Nuki bridge
#142 opened by 6iorgio - 0
How to change poll interval after installation
#165 opened by parkflyer - 2
Nuki battery level and status not refreshed
#164 opened by p2923260 - 1
Support for Nuki Opener Continous Mode
#161 opened by tristanXme - 0
Hide 'Open' Button
#163 opened by totalitarian - 1
- 2
- 3
Nuki Lock not Unlatching / Opening in scripts
#149 opened by IrealiTY - 0
Improvement idea for the door sensor accuracy
#159 opened by xkuyax - 0
- 0
Nuki Integration for hybrid connections
#157 opened by michis0806 - 4
#147 opened by Alex73hub - 2
Custom component fails to load
#154 opened by q20 - 4
Nuki Opener not responding
#143 opened by brigger - 0
States of the lock - locking/unlocking
#152 opened by ww9020 - 0
No longer existing devices are still listed (as devices) / how to remove them?
#144 opened by SmilyHM - 1
Initiale configuration issue
#141 opened by ppernet - 2
Open Door
#139 opened by demsarinic - 5
Expose unlatch service on homekit
#138 opened by pilot1981 - 0