Objective of Kata

Get familiar with react-native tooling and development experience.


Display List of Recipes

Given I have recipe 'Biscuits and Gravy'
And I have recipe 'Tacos'
When I open the 'Top Notch Recipes'
Then I should see two recipes
And I should see the average rating of each recipe

Display Recipe Detail

Given I have recipe 'Biscuits and Gravy'
When I view 'Biscuits and Gravy'
Then I should see ingredients for 'Biscuits and Gravy'
And I should see the average rating for the recipe

Api Definition

The recipes should be retrieved using the api definition found here


  • Setup a new react-native application using create-react-native-app.
  • Create unit tests using Jest
  • Create Acceptance Tests using Detox
  • Run unit tests using yarn
  • Run Acceptance Tests using yarn
  • Use native components in react-native
