Solution Manual For PRML


This is a Solution Manual for the famous book Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.

The Manual is written in LaTex, and I ommit other files generated by Tex, so that you can only view the pdf file for solutions. This is mainly because of my concern about infringement of PRML's copyright. I will keep update the solutions as my learning process goes on.

There are some problems that I am not sure, which have been marked by "Waiting for update" in the solution manual. If you want to provide a solution for these unsolving problems, have any question, or come up with better ideas about any problem in the manual, please feel free to contact with me or

Because too many people have asked me for the whole solutions, I will now upload an updated version online. Moreover, I have emailed Mr. Bishop, and there was actually an official solution manual published by Springer. You can find it here.

I want to address several issues here: (1) Currently I still do not get the permission of Mr. Bishop to upload this solution manual online. Therefore, maybe I will withdraw this solution maunal someday if it is illegal. (2) This solution manual is only meant to be used as personal study reference, please donnot take it for other purposes, e.g., upload to other websites or publication.

Update List

Sep 22,2018

Hooray! Currently, I have finished all the solutions in Chapter 1-6 and already upload it online.

Oct 23,2018

Hooray! Currently, I have finished all the solutions before Chapter 7(included). However, the update process may be suspended lately because of the heavy workload of my lab projects.

Nov 26,2018

Hooray! Currently, I have (partly) finished chapter 8. Starting from section 8.4.4, I have found that many equations in the book are quite different from what I derive. Therefore, the corresponding exercises (8.19-8.29) are left behind.

Dec 24,2018

Hooray! Currently, I have finished chapter 9. It is a good day today. Merry Christmas!

Jan 31,2019

Currently, I have finished all the problems before Problem 10.26. However, I may suspend updating the solution manual due to several personal reasons.

Feb 19,2019

I have got back to update the solution manual.


  1. Special thanks to Dr.Spyridon Chavlis, from IMBB, FORTH (E-mail: He provides an analytical soultion on Prob 1.34, i.e., back substituting p(x) into the constraints to prove that it is a Gaussain.