
R txtProgressBar with Estimated Time of Arrival

Primary LanguageR

pbarETA alt text

This is an extended version of the txtProgressBar function from the utils package. Please refer to that documentation with help(txtProgressBar, utils). Use library(pbarETA, warn=F) to override utils::setTxtProgressBar with pbarETA::setTxtProgressBar.

Download and Installation

Latest version is available on Github at:


The package can be installed from the downloaded sources as follows:

install.packages("path-to-downloaded-source", repos=NULL)

devtools users can download and install at once the latest development version from github as follows:



pb <- txtProgressBar()
for(i in 1:100) {
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/100)
|===========                                                           |  10%, ETA 01:24

Some notes:

  • Adding library(pbarETA, warn=F) to an existing script will provide ETA to any txtProgressBar object.
  • The estimation is accurate when different iterations tend to take the same amount of time.
  • Shows the significant part of Years:Months:Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
  • Redrawn at least once per second (the original txtProgressBar is redrawn when values change).
  • Only tested for bar style=3 (default for pbarETA).