This program was created in Eclipse.  This is a JavaFx file using openjfx 17.0.1.  Because JavaFX does not come packaged with Java since version 11 you will need to get and install JavaFX on your IDE.  Good instructions on that can be found in the references (Barclay, 2020) (Bro Code, 2020).  Once that is configured you will be able to run the program.  This program is a lot like video poker.  You aren't playing against another hand, it's just to see if you get two of a kind or better in your hand after a draw.  Your wager will be tapered based on your hand and the game will end when the player has no money in their wallet.

Barclay, Jazer (2020, December 19)How to setup JavaFX on Eclipse the easy way | Java Tutorial [Dec 2020]

Bro Code (2020, November 17) JavaFX install & setup (Eclipse)

JavaFX download:
Getting Started with JavaFx: