
A personal utility tool for launching workspaces.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple tool to launch multiple commands at once.

Table of Contents


Launch a workspace

This is the default action that easylaunch performs.

easylaunch <name of workspace>

Other actions

--help, -h                show the help message and exit
--version                 show the version and exit
--list, -l                list all workspaces
--edit-config             open the config file in your default editor
--load-default-config     replace the config file with the default config file
--launch                  default action is to launch a workspace.

Available options

--verbose, -v             verbose output
--config                  specify a config file


Refer to the default config file for the example configuration. It's a pretty obvious structure.

Example Configuration

aliases = ["ex"] # [] by default
description = "Example Workspace" # "" by default
working-directory = "$HOME" # $HOME by default
commands = [
    "echo 'Hello World!'",
    "echo launching an app",
    "echo launching another app"

The configuration format is TOML. Refer here GitHub : TOML.

Each section is a workspace. The section name and provided aliases will be used to refer to that workspace.

aliases - [List : str] set aliases for the workspace

description - [str] describe your worksapce

working-directory - [str] valid directory path where the shell commands will be executed.

commands - [list : str] list of commands to be executed.

note : the commands are executed in separate shells. so don't expect that cd will change the working directory for the commands below it.


Quick Installtion

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/kevqn11/easy-launch.git
cd easy-launch
python setup.py

Setup Options

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workdir workdir     specify the working directory
  --installdir installdir
                        specify the installation directory where scripts will be installed
  --source source       specify the source directory where the source code is.
  --reinstall           if scripts and configs already exist, replace them.
  --skip-aliases        don't make aliases in the zshrc
  --skip-config         don't make config files
  --create-symlinks     create symlinks instead of copying files

By default, the installation script will add the following statement in .zshrc of the user.

alias launch='easylaunch'

to prevent this you can use the --skip-aliases option.

--reinstall can be used to update the app. but it will also replace the configuration files and create more (redundant) aliases in zshrc. use --skip-config and --skip-aliases to prevent that.