
A Chef cookbook for dokku using the package install and providing LWRPs.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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This is a Chef cookbook which provides the ability to install and configure dokku. It provides a set of recipes and Lightweight Resource Providers (LWRPs) for managing apps and it's components.

It's pinned against a specific version of dokku to protect your installation against being accidentally broken. This marks a hold against the installed packages.



  • dokku::default: Includes install and provides the LWRPs.
  • dokku::install: Installs and configures dokku from the Debian package.
  • dokku::ssh_keys: Adds SSH keys from attributes.
  • dokku::plugins: Manages plugins from attributes.
  • dokku::apps: Manages apps from attributes.
  • dokku::certificates: Manages certificates from a data bag.



  • node["dokku"]["domain"]: The domain for Dokku to serve under.
  • node["dokku"]["ssh_keys"]: A list of ssh keys to allow for deployment.
  • node["dokku"]["plugins"]: A list of plugins to manage.
  • node["dokku"]["apps"]: A list of apps to manage.

These optional settings can be overridden to customise the default Nginx configuration (which is used for all apps):

  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["server_tokens"]: Defaults to off.
  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["ssl_session_cache"]: Defaults to shared:SSL:20m.
  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["ssl_session_timeout"]: Defaults to 10m.
  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["ssl_protocols"]: Defaults to TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.
  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["ssl_ciphers"]: Defaults to EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH.
  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["dhparam_file"]: Defaults to /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem.
  • node["dokku"]["nginx"]["dhparam_key_length"]: Defaults to 4096.

Data Bags


Used in combination with the dokku::certificates recipe, these allow for the management of SSL certificates apps. It's expected that they look like this:

  "id": "app-name",
  "cert": "",

The id value should be the name of the app the certificate will set on. (The format is inspired by the certificate cookbook.)



Provides add and remove actions for setting the Dokku SSH public keys. Defaults to add. e.g.:

dokku_ssh_key "user" do
  key "ssh_public_key"


Provides install and uninstall actions for handling plugins. Defaults to install. e.g.:

dokku_plugin "redis" do
  url "https://github.com/dokku/dokku-redis.git"


Provides create, destroy and rename actions for managing Dokku apps. Defaults to create. e.g.:

dokku_app "demo"


Provides add and remove actions for managing Dokku certificates. Defaults to add: e.g.:

dokku_certificate "wildcard" do
  cert "An SSL Certificate as a string"
  key "An SSL Certificate's private key as a string"

The name of the action should be the id of an available data bag item.


ChefSpec is used for unit tests. Test Kitchen is used for integration tests, with serverspec.

# unit tests
chef exec rspec
# integration tests
chef exec kitchen test


Copyright (c) Nick Charlton 2015. MIT licensed.