
A multi-version Ruby manager for the `fish` shell.

Primary LanguageShell


A multi-version Ruby manager for the fish shell.


Switches between Ruby versions by munging PATH, thus avoiding wrapper-scripts ('shims') for great speed.

Utilizes fish's 'universal' variables to switch versions in all open shells.

Override chosen version by setting RUBY_VERSION or by having a .ruby-version file in the current working directory.


Clone the repository somewhere nice, and add the following line to your config.fish:

. /path/to/rubies-fish/rubies.fish

Then use rubies-select to see all available versions.

Select a global Ruby to use for all shells by running rubies-select -g <version>.

You can also run rubies-select <version> to select a version specific to the current shell. Specify global as the version to go back to the global Ruby version. The same effect can be achieved by setting the environment variable RUBY_VERSION.

Installing Rubies

rubies-fish does not support installing Ruby. I suggest using ruby-build.

rubies-fish looks in ~/.rubies by default, but you can change the directory by setting the universal variable rubies-directory to something else - eg. add the following line to your config.fish to share Rubies with rbenv:

set -U rubies_directory ~/.rbenv/versions