Unit 03 Mini-Project: Rock, Paper, Scissors

In this activity, you will work with a group to build a game using only JavaScript.


The completed application should meet the following criteria:

  • As a user, I want to play Rock, Paper, Scissors against an automated opponent.

  • As a user, I can enter R, P, or S to signify my choice of rock, paper, or scissors.

  • As a user, I expect the computer to choose R, P, or S in return.

  • As a user, I want the option to play again whether I win or lose.

  • As a user, I want to see my total wins, ties, and losses after each round.


  • Must use the alert(), confirm(), and prompt() methods to collect user input and display information to the user.

  • The computer's selection must be random to ensure a fair game.

💡 Notes

Refer to the documentation:

🏆 Bonus

If you have completed this activity, work through the following challenge with your group to further your knowledge:

  • How can you customize the appearance of the alert(), confirm(), and prompt() dialog boxes?

Use Google or another search engine to research this.

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