This application allows users to create the perfect team roster containin a manager, engineers and intens. Th application utilizes Node.js command line and npm packages fs and inquirer to prompt the user for employee information and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each employee.
After cloning the application, open a nwe terminal in your desired code editor for the cloned folder. Run 'npm i' and 'npm i inquirer' in the terminal. Once everything is installed, run 'node index.js' in the terminal Answer the prompted questions in the terminal to create your fabulous team. When the team is complete, the HTML file will be generated in the index.html file existing in the folder.
To create a fantastic, dynamic team for future projects.
Take a look at this short video for a walkthrough on how to use the application:
To test that the application is working correctly, run 'npm i jest' in the terminal, followed by 'npm test'.
If you have any questions or would like to contact me regarding aspects of this project, I can be reached at:
- GitHub: kvs1995
- Email:
This project is licensed under the [MIT License](
Video Walkthrough: GitHub Respository: Generated HTML: