
This's isomorphic project using nodejs, express, reactjs and react-router.

The data flow pattern of this using redux, and connecting state and props using react-redux.

What we've done :

  • Isomorphic rendering
  • Babel6 for ES6 & ES2015
  • React - Redux
  • React-router for routing
  • Webpack for bundling
  • Editing hot-reload
  • Only one node server process (no hot-middleware)
  • Css modules for local css
  • Json-LD for meta information
  • I18N


  • node.js 4.2.4 (LTS)
  • npm 3+
  • Express 4.13.3
  • React 0.14+
  • Redux
  • React-router 1.0.3
  • I18N
  • Babel 6
  • React-transform-hmr
  • Webpack
  • css-module-require-hook
  • jsonld
  • jquery

note: object.assaign has error with npm2 + babel 6

Install module

$ npm install

##Run dev in all os

$ npm run dev

##Run server in all os

$ npm start

##build bundle file

$ npm build

if webpack watcher is not work, please run this command

$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p