
Show differences in config files omitting some types of changes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Show differences in config files omitting some types of changes

usage: dixf.py [-h] [--old OLD] [--new NEW] [--out OUT] [--ln_numbers]
               [--forced_show] [--focus_in FOCUS_IN] [--run_tests] [-v]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --old OLD            Previous file name
  --new NEW            Next file name
  --out OUT            Output file name with simplified changes
  --ln_numbers         Show line numbers with insert/replace/equal/... actions
  --forced_show        Show difference lines before discarding known/ignored
  --focus_in FOCUS_IN  Focus on lines in old/previous file, for example: 4132,
                       4132-4162, 50- or -100
  --run_tests          Run tests
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output