
발달 장애아동들의 영어학습능력 향상을 목적으로 만든 구글 어시스턴트.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

도담도담 팀 프로젝트(병선, 두리, 설아, 동환 2020/02/28)

도담도담 시연영상 (유투브 링크)

Video Label

프로젝트 설명(2020.02.28)

  • 기존에 있던 Interactive Canvas Sample 예제(삼각형 회전 및 색깔 변환 게임)코드를 응용 및 변환하여 만든 web app입니다. 이 프로젝트의 목적은 Actions on Google 플랫폼을 이용하여 Interactive canvas Google 음성인식 AI 서비스를 만들고자 하였습니다. PIXI.js를 이용하였고 firebase 플랫폼을 이용하여 배포하였습니다.
  • 배포된 도메인https://cantododam.firebaseapp.com/ 이며 본인이 이 web app을 보고 싶으시면 위 web app을 clone하시고 아래 사용법을 참조하여 본인의 firebase에서 배포하신다음 사용하시면 됩니다. 참고로 이 웹 앱 프로젝트의 target device는 google nest hub 입니다.(반응형 x) 자세한 프로젝트의 동작 및 UI 구성은 Dodam-Dodam_en repository 첫 README.md에 있는 영상을 보시면 됩니다.

web app 개발자 : 곽병선, 김두리, 한설아, 이동환

Actions on Google: Interactive Canvas Sample

This sample demonstrates how to create an Interactive Canvas experience using Actions on Google for the Google Assistant. It uses the Node.js client library and is deployed on Cloud Functions for Firebase and Firebase Hosting.

Setup Instructions


  1. Node.js and NPM
  2. Install the Firebase CLI
    • We recommend using MAJOR version 7 with 7.1.1 or above, npm install -g firebase-tools@^7.1.1
    • Run firebase login with your Google account


Actions Console

  1. From the Actions on Google Console, add a new project > Create Project > under More options > Conversational
  2. Click Deploy in the top menu. Then, click Additional information.
    1. Under Category, select Games & fun
    2. Under Interactive Canvas Do your Actions use Interactive Canvas?, check Yes
  3. Click Develop in the top menu. Then, click Actions > Add Your First Action > Custom intent > BUILD (this will bring you to the Dialogflow console) > Select language and time zone > CREATE.
  4. In the Dialogflow console, go to Settings ⚙ > Export and Import > Restore from zip using the agent.zip in this sample's directory.

Firebase Deployment

  1. On your local machine, in the functions directory, run npm install
  2. Run firebase deploy --project {PROJECT_ID} to deploy the function and hosting
    • To find your Project ID: In Dialogflow console under Settings ⚙ > General tab > Project ID.

Dialogflow Console

  1. Return to the Dialogflow Console > select Fulfillment > Enable Webhook > Set URL to the Function URL that was returned after the deploy command > SAVE.

  2. From the left navigation menu, click Integrations > Integration Settings under Google Assistant > Enable Auto-preview changes > Test to open the Actions on Google simulator then say or type Talk to my test app.

Running this Sample

  • You can test your Action on any Google Assistant-enabled device on which the Assistant is signed into the same account used to create this project. Just say or type, “OK Google, talk to my test app”.
  • You can also use the Actions on Google Console simulator to test most features and preview on-device behavior.
  • To hide the debug overlay, uncomment the code below /* Uncomment below to disable the debug overlay */ in public/css/main.css.

References & Issues

Make Contributions

Please read and follow the steps in the CONTRIBUTING.md.




Your use of this sample is subject to, and by using or downloading the sample files you agree to comply with, the Google APIs Terms of Service.

도담도담 AOG fulfillment 코드(2020.02.28, fulfillment_final)

도담도담 파일은 fulfillment_final폴더 자체를 클론하시고 src/main/java/com.o2o.action.server.app/DodamApp 파일에서 fulfillment코드를 확인하실 수 있습니다. dialogflow 압축파일은 o2o intern 구글 드라이브에 업로드 하였고, fulfillment 코드 및 web app 코드도 구글 드라이브에 업로드 해놨습니다.