
a simple cli tool that returns current price of tokens and stablecoins.

Primary LanguageGo

product name - cts price checker

what is this?

this is my template for project documentation

why am i making it?

i noticed how i documented projects on github lacked structure so i made an easy to use template. i went through a bunch of projects and figured out what was essential and what wasn't. you're welcome

gif of working prototype

gif of working prototype

want to use it?

i plan to use this on all of my future projects and maybe some of my older ones (if i have the time). if you want to use this just fork the repository and clone it to your local computer or just clone this. i'm a n00b, idk

### on the github cli
gh repo clone dibrinsofor/readme-template


git clone https://github.com/dibrinsofor/readme-template

how it works

i am trying not to fill this with lorem ipsum so here goes, i'll just list users whose readme.md's i went through: @fathermerry, @victoridk


this was built entirely with love on an eventful day with:

  • markdown
  • ❤️

what's coming next

i am not sure how much better you can make this, it's already pretty badass. maybe do a one pass for grammatical errors and keep going through repos to find new ways to make this colt even cooler. oooh! maybe make a library that'll auto generate a readme with this template

want to help make this better?

you are a massive nerd if you think this is cool and want to contribute to it😂, i love you still. just make a pr with any changes you have or shoot me a dm on twitter