
Displays reported cases of snakebite at hospitals in Ghana extracted from the DHIMS database.

Primary LanguageR


Snakebite is a neglected tropical disease and presents a huge burden to the victims and healthcare systems. The victims of snakebites are mostly poor rural folks, farmers, and children.


Data from 2016 to 2020 was extracted from the DHIMS database. Data from 3 facilities were excluded as they probably looked more of an error, e.g. recording over 1,000 cases of snakebites in an age group for a single month.

DHIMS categorizes the age groups, they were further collapsed into fewer groups for easy presentation. The re-categorization is arbitrary and does not represent any scientific process


This shiny dashboard is being built with the latest version of R (As at when I update which is very frequently).

The packages used are:

  • shiny.semantic
  • shiny😁
  • tidyverse
  • magrittr
  • ggpubr
  • gtsummary
  • flextable

The dashboard is available here

The dataset for this dashboard is only available on request and at my discretion