Debian Jessie Vagrant box with pre-baked tools aimed at Perl web developers.
# Inject provisioner into template of your choice
$ ./bin/boxcutter-inject-provisioner -t salt-masterless debian.json > debian-salt.json
# Create the VirtualBox provider using new template
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso -var-file=debian8.json debian-salt.json
$ vagrant box add --name my/debian-jessie64 ./builds/
# Use the newly created box with Vagrant
$ vagrant init my/debian-jessie64
$ vagrant up
I try to keep a version of this up-to-date and available on HashiCorp, so you can check it out without having to roll your own.
$ vagrant init kwakwa/debian-jessie64
$ vagrant up
This repository contains the Packer
configuration which will create a
box for the VirtualBox
provider. This is a pre-baked box which
includes ndenv,
plenv and a few common node and
perl-specific tools to provide a useful toolchain for Perl web developers
out of the box.
A list of tools that are pre-baked in this Vagrant
- Debian 8.7 (Jessie)
- ndenv (node 7.7.1 with grunt and gulp)
- plenv (perl 5.24.1 with Carton, Moo, and Moose)
- Packages (git, htop, jq, ntp, strace, tmux, tree, vim)
The tools used to bring this Vagrant
box together.
- Debian is used as the host environment for the
Vagrant box. Specifically
. - Packer is a tool for creating machine and container images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
- SaltStack systems & configuration management software delivers fast & scalable event-driven infrastructure automation & predictive cloud orchestration.
- Vagrant creates and configures lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.
- VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use.